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Lots Happening

Well haven't posted a lot - but been extremely busy!!!

I've just become an affiliated photographer with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS) an American based charity which we're desperately wanting to get more recognition in UK :)

what else...

I'm launching a new reasonably priced Make-Over Photo shoot... from next year it'll be £175 - Shoot includes, Hair styled and make-up. Up until Christmas you can purchase vouchers for £150 that will need to be used within 6 months of purchase - ideal gifts for your loved ones!!!

To help launch.. I have joined forces with Make Up by Susie B and Hair by Ainslie - join Make Up By Susie's facebook page and share the competition with your friends to be in with a chance to win! Winner will be announced next week!


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All images are © Ruth Trotter - Ruth Trotter Photography 2014... Images may be tagged, please refrain from downloading or scanning images as this is an infringement of the copyright. If you wish to use images for your profile images please leave image un-cropped and with watermark in place and only use tagged images, if there is another image you wish to use please ask and I'll put it up for you.... thank you

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