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BSOC Fundraiser

Well last Sunday was BSOC (afterschool club) fundraiser. I awoke to the birds chattering.. looking out the window a fine misty air.. oh dear we have a photo shoot today! Well I was extremely lucky! The photo shoot went a head and right down to the last one we managed! The last family arrived just as it started to rain - their brollies were up as they made their way across the field... oh dear! I said hopefully we'll be fine for a bit under the trees then a few out in the field and dash for cover! We made it!!!

A few from the day to share :O)


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All images are © Ruth Trotter - Ruth Trotter Photography 2014... Images may be tagged, please refrain from downloading or scanning images as this is an infringement of the copyright. If you wish to use images for your profile images please leave image un-cropped and with watermark in place and only use tagged images, if there is another image you wish to use please ask and I'll put it up for you.... thank you

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