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Highs and Lows of this weekend!

Well what a beautiful wedding yesterday with Catherine and Richard. A truely beautiful day. Catherine was busy ironing Richards shirt when I arrived - I said that her marital duties were starting early she replied "they started years ago!" Well the sun blessed us with its presence all day and evening. I had a wonderful time sharing their special day was even fed cucumber sandwiches on the patio. A proper summer garden party!

This image is of Catherine and Richards wedding rings. Tied to the Owl and the Pussycat book for their wee boy Will to look after :O) I found this amazing place with the reflection of the old ruin of Creich Castle and had to capture it :O)

Catherine and Richard

Catherine and Richard signing the register.....

Catherine and Richard

On the low side of the weekend I had to cancel Portraits in the Park due to weather conditions - raining was soooo full on that a couple cancelled and I decided to take a rain check on the rest - WE WILL rebook shortly :O) xx


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